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Landscaping Design Ideas to Reduce Pests in Your Yard – kechambers

Landscaping Design Ideas to Reduce Pests in Your Yard

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), up to 40% of global agricultural crop production is lost to pests each year. Although you might not be planting fruits and vegetables in massive quantities, vegetation on your property can still be affected by the presence of critters. The good news is it is possible to design a landscape that will reduce the number of invasive animal species on your land. From putting pest deterring plants to improving soil quality, there are several things that you can do to prevent unwanted guests from camping in your yard.

Choose Plants Carefully

The type of plants and flowers that you put in your garden can invite or repel insects. If you are not careful, your property can quickly become a haven for bugs. Sadly, some pests can destroy or wipe out an entire garden if given the chance, leaving you with a ruined yard that will cost money to fix. For example, armyworms and grubs can obliterate your lawn. If an infestation occurs, you might need to enlist the assistance of professionals to eradicate pests.

Hence, it is vital that you select plants, shrubs, and flowers that will fight against insects, flies, slugs, and gnats at the design phase of your landscape. Citronella, geraniums, and marigolds possess natural repelling properties that will discourage cabbage worms and Japanese beetles from eating your plants. When landscaping borders, consider planting lavender, a stunning perennial that repels fleas, moths, and ticks. It can also attract helpful insects and pollinators like butterflies and bees.

Limit mulch

Mulch is often added to planting beds to beautify the landscape. Moreover, it prevents the loss of evaporation by locking in moisture. It also limits weed growth. Another benefit of mulch is it promotes a healthy soil. Organic mulch can help plants grow healthier, but it also serves as a shelter for many pests including centipedes, ants, termites, and rats. Therefore, avoid offering a hospitable environment to vermin by selecting mulch that does not hold a lot of moisture. In addition, mulch should not be deeper than 3 inches so that pests do not have a place to hide and live.

Manage Sources of Water

A landscape design that includes water elements looks attractive. Fountains, birdbaths, pools, and ornamental ponds create a soothing and calming environment. They can change the look and feel of your yard if correctly placed. On the other hand, water bodies that are not managed and maintained well can also turn into breeding sites for mosquitoes and other insects.

Thus, it is crucial to prevent mosquitoes from dropping eggs on the water surface to avert an infestation. Improve water circulation by installing a pump in your ponds to filter water and put mosquito-eating fish to remove larvae. Water in birdbaths and pools must be changed regularly as well to prevent insects from breeding.

Pests on your property can harm your landscape detracting from its beauty and functionality. They can also affect your health and that of your family’s. Preventing pests from taking up space is possible by designing a landscape that is inhospitable to critters.

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